My Second Legitimate Work At Home Job…LiveOps

ImageThis was my second work at home job.  It was with LiveOps.  I was very successful with them.  I had to pay for a background check, but no fee to work for them which is what you want.  The background check at that time was $30.  It was totally worth it.  I took calls for Direct Response (the television commercials you see on television for exercise products, makeup, etc.).  That is what it is.  They do have other things that you can take calls for.  I took calls also for ProFlowers.  They pay every two weeks.  In my two-week period I made $800 dollars taking orders for flowers. 

They are a really good company to work for.  They always pay on time and it is direct deposit right into your checking account.  You are an IC (internet contractor) not an employee, which means you do your own taxes.  They do not take taxes out.  I worked for them for a long time until I branched out in to medical transcription.  Click on the link below to go to their website.




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My First Legimate Work At Home Job

I am lucky enough to be able to work at home, but it took me four years to find something.  I knew there had to be something out there and by being persistent and having faith, I finally found something.  At that time the company only had ICs, which stands for internet contractor.  Now the company changed to only employees and they only hire from certain states.  My state was not one of them, so I had to move on.

I had taken calls for direct response, which are the television commercials. I took orders for exercise programs, Bare Essentials, Sheer Cover, and more.  I loved working there.

I had the money direct deposited right into my checking account.  They are a great company to work for and my very first work at home job.

The name of the company is:

Good Luck and have a great day!




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The Top 10 Work At Home And Home Based Business Scams

You can trust all my resources to be legitimate.

Home-based business and work at home opportunity scams are everywhere on the internet.  They may look legitimate, but are not.  These scammers specifically target people who are looking for an honest work at home job.  These include moms looking to work at home, seniors looking to make money in retirement, and anyone else who does not want to work outside the home.  You will find a lot of these scams in the online classified sites.  I had been browsing those a long time ago, so that is how I know.

I do have my own list of work at home jobs that are legitimate that I compiled over the past five years, which I do sell on my website.  I sell it because I am also a work at home mom trying to stay home with my children.  I have twins, so I want to stay home with them. 

Remember:  You should never have to pay for a work at home job.  You may have to pay for a background check, but never for the job itself.  It is okay to pay for a background check, as I have done it a few times.

Also, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 

These are the top 10 work at home scams:

1.  Craft Assembly:  I have been here quite a few years ago.  This scam encourages you to assemble dolls, ornaments, and other craft projects.  The only thing is that you usually never get approved.  They have you buy a starter kit, which includes instruction and parts.  I know of only one legitimate work at home craft company and that is  This is 100% legitimate.  You can go to and search for it.  People do get paid.  They send you all your supplies.  They pay you by the piece and they have a lot of people who make crafts for them.  Some projects are not easy, but they do have beginner crafts.  They are located in Torrington, Connecticut.  This is the only one that I know of, but you may find more on the website.

2.  Medical Billing:  I have seen this scam in quite a few places.  They have you pay anywhere from $300 to $1200 for everything you supposedly need to start your own business at home.  They promise to give you medicall billing software as well as a list of clients in your area.  Typically what you are not told by the company is that most medical clinics do their own bills or outsource to firms, not individuals.  Plus, the lists they give you include companies that don’t exist or is outdated.  Good luck getting your money back on this one, so don’t even do it.

3.  Email Processing:  I got scammed on this way back when.  I don’t remember what I paid, but I had to send emails to online classifieds.  It is basically called spamming the same ad that you responded to in online classifieds and all over the internet.  They make this look legitimate, but it is not. 

4.  A Supposed Legitimate Companies Looking For Homeworks:  I was scammed on this also way back when.  I have to tell you that happened about three years after searching for three years and I was never so upset.  I though I finally found something, but did not.  They give you a list of companies that are outdated or don’t even exist.  You usually pay a small fee for these lists and it is a waste of money.  There is one site that I paid for and they actually do have legitimate work at home jobs.  I belong to it.  What you pay is for a lifetime fee. It is 

5.  Do not call 1-900 numbers.  Once in a while it may be legitimate,but most of the time they are not.  So do not call for a work at home job this way.

6.  I have seen millions of ads for “Typing At Home.”  I fell for this too way back when.  This is how this one works.  You send money to the scammer for more information on their opportunity.  They send you a disk information that tells you how to place typed ads to sell copies of their disks.  So, this scam tries to turn you into a scammer also.  At least, that is what I felt like when the person I sold it to said that to me, that she had been scammed again.  I felt so terrible, but I didn’t know at the time.

7.  Turn Your Computer Into a Money Making Machine:  This is another one on placing ads.  Don’t waste your money.

8.  Multi-level Marketing (MLM):  This is also known as a pyramid scheme. You can make money with this, but there are levels you need to achieve to make money.  This can become like a rat race and who needs that.  Though there are people who do make money with it, don’t get me wrong, but it can be difficult.

9.  Chain Letters/Emails:  This is sending money to people on a list and add your name to the bottom and people will send you money when they reach your name.  This is not cool :).

10.  Last, but certainly not least we have the “Envelope Stuffing”:  You are promised to get paid $1-2 for every envelope you stuff.  You get a manual with flyer templates.  You cannot make money doing this.  

I offer a truly legitimate work at home job list that I have compiled over the past five years.  I have it on my website.  I also can teach you how to sell on ebay.  I teach people all day how to better themselves on ebay.  See my website below: 

Good Luck,


My next post will be tips on how to avoid scams. 





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There Are Legitimate Work At Home Craft Companies That Really Do Pay…

A lot of people wonder if there are any real legitimate craft assembly companies where you can make crafts at home and get paid for it.  You have to be careful.  There are a lot of scams out there.  I remember a long time ago my mom and I signed up to make crafts at home.

We had to assemble these Christmas dough ornaments.  You had to assemble and bake the dough.  We also had to paint them as well.  I don’t remember how much we were supposedly going to get paid for these, but we could never get them right.  So we just gave up.  Then the next one we tried was making heart ornaments.  These were made with wooden hearts that we had to wrap ribbon around and attach a rose to and make a hanger.  It sounds easy, but don’t be fooled.  The ribbon had to be wrapped a certain way.  We could have no wood showing.  We finally finished one and I thought it looked perfect.  We submitted it and it came back with notes of what was wrong with it.  I remember, I was very discouraged and said to my mom “what is wrong with this?”  So I tried again and again and again.  We sent it in again and it was still wrong.  This was ridiculous.  I gave up.

Most craft companies are scams.  You pay for their kit and then try to make them, but you can never get it right.  Now, years later, I have found a few work at home craft companies that do pay you for the crafts you make for them.  The #1 on the list is Magical Gift Dollhouses.  They pay and this is a legitimate company.  They are located in Connecticut.  I just looked and they added new projects.  They now have a jewelry line.  Cute cupcake bracelets.  You do have to pay for the kit, which is $49.95, but it is legitimate.  I did order a kit from them once.  It was a kit to make a little gingerbread man.  I didn’t pursue it because I had to cut out the felt and I really didn’t have the time, with having small children (twins, how fun!)  at home at the time.  I gave up.

I have read posts in forums about this company and they are all positive.  You may get your project sent back with instructions on how to fix it, but this company is legitimate.  They have a lot of craft assemblers that get approved the very first time they send in a project.  You could earn anywhere  up to $400 per shipment.  They send you all the supplies you need to make their crafts.  Here is the link to the new jewelry line.

New Jewelry Line  at Magical Gift Dollhouses.

Good luck and have fun!

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Learn How To make A Scrabble Tile Pendant

This is a great video to learn how to make a scrabble tile pendant. She sells the supplies on her website and in her ebay store as well. This is one way that I make money online as well. These are so quick and easy to make.

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I Want To Be Able To Help You Work From Home

I am lucky enough to be able to work at home for the past five years.  It took me a long time to get where I am, but it sure was worth it.  It took me four years to find my first work at home job. That company is at the bottom of this post.  I have put together a list of all my resouces with companies that you can work for at home. 

During my break I actually went for a swim in our pool and then went back to work.  Now, where can you do that?  I would not give up my flexibility for anything in the world.  I love it.  I want to pass on my opportunities to you.  You could find these yourself, but it could take you four years like it took me.  You can buy this list from me from my website, which is below.  You can purchase it through PayPal.

My first work at home job was:

My website is:

Have a great day. 




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Ebay’s Introduction of the Mobile App

Ebay is growing by leaps and bounds.   Last week I learned that in 2012, approximately 1.8 million joined Ebay using a mobile device.  That does not just mean  a mobile phone.  This also includes ipods and ipads.  Ebay introduced the app where you can join ebay as a buyer and/or seller.  To sell all you have to do is scan the UPC bar code or an ISBN number if it is a book and the item comes up automatically.  Now is the best time to learn to sell on ebay just for that reason.  There is so much traffic going through ebay and this is the best auction site to make money and sell weekly, if not daily.

Listings also have to be optimized for small devices.  To start selling without a store you get 50 free auction listings to try the auction place out.  I speak to alot of sellers and they say that they make extra money for car payments, loans, and fun money for kids.  There are well over 93 million registered ebay users and this also includes international.  Ebay has grown so much since I started in 2002.

If you are interested in learning how to sell on Ebay then I can help you.


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Learn To Sell On Ebay Or Legitimate Work At Home Job List

Learn To Sell On Ebay Or Legitimate Work At Home Job List

I finally finished my website.  I am offering my work at home job list.  These are legitimate opportunities for stay at home moms or anyone else looking to be their own boss. 

I also am offering an Ebay consultation.  If you are looking to learn how to sell on ebay, then I can help you.  I consult Ebay sellers for a living and they do succeed.  I want to be able to help you to sell on Ebay.  Selling on ebay is great to supplement your income or as a hobby.  Some people even make a full time living on Ebay.  You can start out with your own niche (one type of item, i.e., jewelry or clothing) or you can sell a variety of items. 

If you would like the work at home job list, just click on the “Work At  Home Resources” on the top bar. 

If you would like the ebay consultation, click on “Selling on Ebay.”

Have a great day! 🙂




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Learn Medical Transcription And Get Free Info!

Medical transcription is something that you can do from home and make money.  I went to school at Career Step in 2007.  A year later I was working as a Medical Transcriptionist.  I am still an MT and I love it.  You can get a free information packet here:

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Sell Your Own Crafts On Ebay

If you are crafty you can sell your own crafts on Ebay.  Selling on ebay and fun and rewarding.  You can supplement your income or just sell for fun.  I can help you learn how to sell on ebay.  See my website here:

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